Do I Need To Have Insurance To Become A Surrogate In Florida?
Having insurance is certainly very helpful to mitigate the expense of the pregnancy. The family has already spent probably $100,000 for the invitro process, so it’s great when surrogates have insurance. Oftentimes, the families will pick up the premiums for the insurance, and if she doesn’t have insurance, then we’ll get her insurance. There are all different types of insurance and subsidized insurance and things like that that are very helpful because, in reality, the bills are in the surrogate’s name. It therefore behooves her to have some sort of insurance, even though the contract says that the intended parents are responsible for everything that is not covered by insurance. I believe in being honest with you; you don’t want to run into a situation where a family leaves you holding the bills. I’ve never had that happen because I require the families to put their money into my attorney’s trust account for the medical bills, but I’ve heard of that happening where other less-experienced attorneys or agencies weren’t looking out for the surrogate and the surrogate was left with a big bill in her name.
As A Surrogate, What Will Be Expected Of Me?
Of course, it’s expected and hoped that, as a surrogate, you will maintain the absolute best health and have a happy and healthy pregnancy. It’s also expected that you would be open in communication with the family. Oftentimes, the intended parents live 3,000 miles away, and they’ve had six miscarriages of their own and want to be involved in the pregnancy. It’s not very practical or maybe even physically possible for them to come to every doctor visit, so I have surrogates who take their phone and Facetime with the intended parents so they can see the discovery of the heartbeat, even all the way from Argentina. A lot of the families will at least come for big appointments like the one where they determine the sex of the baby. It’s basically having a relationship and appreciating what these people have been through because I can’t tell you how sad it is. My heart breaks for some of these women particularly, who have just been through so much for so many years trying to have a child. They are so appreciative of any tidbits that the surrogate will share with them, and we have some relationships that are closer than others.
There’s no expectation to stay in touch with them afterwards, other than just friends, maybe with a Christmas card. Some people do visit. It’s very individual as the relationship develops, but it’s rare that it’s strictly business. I actually don’t feel comfortable with that when it’s strictly business, and if the relationship looks like it might evolve into that, I’ll try to mediate.
Surrogates should also try to eat well. I tell families if they want her to eat organic, which is great, then they need to put in an extra allowance to shop at the organic market because it’s so much more expensive than the regular grocery store. I sometimes see families ask the surrogate to keep kosher.
We put all of those things in the contract, and that’s why it is so important to match the right surrogate to the right couple or individual.
I Want To Explore Becoming A Surrogate In Florida. Where Do I Start?
You can start by calling me or giving us your number and setting up a free consultation. Either through Zoom or over the phone, my wonderful paralegals and I will discuss with you the process and tell you about the families that we represent who are looking for carriers. So, the first step really is that phone call.
On my website, I outline the basic medical criteria (such as having had a child with an uncomplicated pregnancy at least once), but I really like to get to know you. That’s why I do Zoom or Skype or Facetime or phone calls to get to know you. I want you to be matched with the right person who is going to respect and appreciate you and take very good care of you in the process. My office phone number is (561) 330-6700, and you can also call me or text me at (561) 716-5557.
For more information on Insurance To Become A Surrogate In Florida, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (561) 330-6700 today.

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